Registration Is Open!

The next live program will start September 2nd, 2024.

Registration Deadline 12pm Friday August 30th, 2024 - No Exceptions.

**This program has been condensed into 12 weeks, we just removed all the fluff!** 


Are you ready for a change?


Ready to drop that 20+ pounds you've been feeling self conscious about?

Ready to create an amazing, kind and loving relationship with your body?

Ready to stop emotional eating, fad diets and the never ending yo-yo cycle?

I know it sounds too good to be true and super scary..and like zero fun! 

But I PROMISE ~ Life can 'taste good' and you can lose weight at the same time;) 

Let me show you how!

My mission is this program will be the LAST weight loss program you will EVER need.

This program is different, it changes everything!

Over the course’s 12 weeks I will teach you...

WHY it feels so hard to lose weight and keep it off.

WHY we constantly negotiate with ourselves about food and exercise. 

WHY we stop setting goals because we don't trust ourselves to follow through.

WHY we like to eat...especially when we feel stressed or emotional.

WHY working out is NOT the best way to lose weight. 

HOW to work WITH your female hormones, and take control of your insulin levels.

HOW to eat for fuel and not for entertainment.

HOW to figure out what foods work with YOUR body to achieve YOUR goals.

HOW to manage your mind and choose long-term results over instant pleasure.

HOW to love yourself more and STOP people pleasing.

HOW to STOP thinking about food all of the time. 

To BELIEVE it is possible for YOU to have the body you want and keep it forever.

To BELIEVE it is possible to achieve BIGGER goals. 

To BELIEVE whatever serves you the best. 

To BELIEVE that there is more out there for YOU then the weight-loss struggle.

Pay In Full


Best Deal

Register before August 15th and save an additional $100!


One Payment

Payment Plan


First payment today

  • Financeable option
Three Payments

Ioana's Transformation Story 

Join me for a quick post program interview with Ioana who lost a whopping 47.5lbs over the 16 Week (now 12 week) Online Transformation Program!!

Though these results are not standard, she is living proof of what is possible with this program. Read more about her story below. 

"In January 2021, my life was not so much on track. I had put on a lot of weight and I was unhappy with myself for quite a while... My day to day routine was coming from work, lie on the couch for most of the evening, having take away food almost every night and then going to bed late at night, feeling frustrated and sorry for myself.
A good friend of mine recommended Lylas' Transformation Program, she had just finished it that month and she had amazing results and she said it was life changing. For a couple of days, I thought about joining it and giving it a chance, although I felt pretty hopeless about the idea of losing all the weight that I had put on over the past year and a half. 
Finally, I worked up the courage and I joined, super excited but anxious at the same time, as the thought of changing my life was pretty scary. My first 1 to 1 with Lylas she helped me set my goal (-20 kg at the end of the program) and even though the goal seemed impossible there and then, I became very committed to it and determined to work towards it every single day.
The first week was super challenging, as I had to draft a nutrition protocol and to stick to it and also to come out of my comfort zone and start exercising. I realised that, for achieving the goal I've set, I need to completely change my lifestyle and let go of the routine of coming home from work and eating junk food and go to bed. So I did that. After coming home, I kept myself busy by doing stuff in the house, doing workouts and preparing my meals for the next day. Step by step, this became my new routine and a part of my life.
As I went forward with the program, I started to see results: I was losing weight gradually and old clothes started to fit me again but most important, I was feeling amazing mentally and physically! My migraines disappeared and I felt more connected with my body, also super excited to get up in the morning and weight myself, to see how the weight loss is going. I compare that feeling with the excitement a child feels when going in the living room on a Christmas morning, to open the presents that Santa left overnight.
From a sedentary person, I became active and I actually started to enjoy the workouts in the program (I have never liked fitness workouts before), realising that you don't need a gym to exercise and that the "I will start losing weight when the lockdown is over and the gyms are open" mentality is just an excuse that I kept telling myself to justify the laziness.
The more weight I was lost, the better I felt. Everyone around me started to notice it as well and compliments wouldn't stop flowing. I was feeling amazing for the first time in a long time!
Today I have 4.3 kg left to lose to achieve my goal (and I won't stop there even after it finishes), with only a month to go and I am more committed than ever! This program saved me from depression (by teaching me to monitor my thoughts, the signals I am getting from my body, how to deal with negative emotions - feeling them instead of actually eating them) and made me love myself a lot! I am super thankful for the experience and the 24/7 support that Lylas gave me. To have such an amazing person guiding me on this journey has been a pleasure and I am forever thankful."
Update - Ioana achieved her 20kg goal plus a little extra! 


"For years, I had been going through the motions of life, but never felt like my best self; physically and mentally. Always wanting to make a change, but never really knowing how to start, I came across the 16 Week Online Transformation Program and was immediately drawn to what it had to offer.⁣

I have lost 18 lbs and gained more confidence then I could have ever anticipated. This truly has been a transformation!"


"Thank you so much Lylas for putting out a stellar program and providing the perfect combination of support, encouragement and tough love that I needed!

I’ve learnt so much about myself and my mindset!⁣ 16 weeks is one of the longest programs I’ve signed up for but it was never daunting! It easily became my new normal. Although I will miss the Monday coaching calls and the inspiration they give me, I know I’ve got it figured out now!"


“I just wanted to thank you so much! The transformation program is really great and you are an awesome coach! I have learned so much about myself and food!

I definitely want to continue building a great body I can be proud of! I get on the scale now pretty much every day! I am amazed that I was able to drop 12lbs in 16 weeks after not being able to drop 1lb in 5years!"


What's Included?

PDF Welcome Guide

3 x PDF Workbooks (Over 300 pages of content and exercises!)

5 x One on one Coaching Calls

12 x Weekly Group Coaching Calls + 1 Intro Call

14 Weeks of Unlimited Access to Lylas Leona's Fitness APP

3 x Monthly Workouts Designed to Assist Weight Loss with Video Instruction

24/7 Personal Messaging and Support 


Course Content

Intro Call - Meet your team


Phase 1

Week 1 - Why is working out and eating right so hard? The Motivational Triad, human history. **Plus we plan your first Nutrition Protocol:)

Week 2 - Goal Setting, future thinking-2.0, why it’s so important & how it guarantees success!

Week 3 - Commitment (to your calendar/yourself/protocol) - STOP the grab-ASS;)

Week 4 - Self Care/Love - How putting yourself first will improve your life & those around you.

Phase 2 

Week 5 - Believing it’s possible. Leaving past proof in the past, find new proof.

Week 6 - Marcos, what you need to know about protein, fat, carbohydrates & electrolytes.

Week 7 - Desire, shifting desire from food and comfort to desire on purpose.

Week 8 - People Pleasing, eating and drinking because OTHER people want/expect you too.

Phase 3

Week 9 - Altering protocols, adding meals, cycling macros and getting results!

Week 10 - Mastering Emotions - The good, the bad, and the ugly! How to STOP eating your feelings. 

Week 11 - Travelling and Vacations. How to have all the fun and honour your goals. 

Week 12 - Old habits die hard, how NOT to slip back into old habits.


Pay In Full


Best Deal

Register before August 15th and save an additional $100!


One Payment

Payment Plan


First payment today

  • Financeable option
Three Payments

Feeling Unsure

Let's talk about it.

Book a 20 minute Consultation Call to discuss your goals. 

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