#29 - Strong Is The New Sexy
Hey, Hey ladies. How are you this week? All right. So first up, let me tell you. I got Invisalign's put in last week and I'm still learning how to talk without a list. So if I sound a little bit different this week, that's why, it's like learning how to talk all over again. I'm so impressed though, with how much I feel my teeth shifting already the first few days actually heard a little bit. And, uh, I have been flossing like three or four times a day. If you are like me and struggle with flossing and you want to become a better flosser get Invisaligns. Um, no, that's not a great reason to start flossing, but it does help a fair bit. I'm very much enjoying the process of becoming better with dental hygiene. Okay. Let's stop talking about dental hygiene. You got.
Let's move on, episode number 29 strong is the new sexy. I wasn't quite sure what to call this episode and put a question mark next to it. And I'm like, no, I'm just gonna roll with it. You know how they say, 50 is the new 30 and 40 is the new 20 and all these things. Well, I think strong as the new sexy, I've never been one of those women that really tried to be sexy, sexy isn't something that I naturally feel. What I get done up when I like put on some tight leather leggings and anice core set of top and do my hair all crazy and put on way too much makeup, I feel bad-ass, I don't feel sexy. I feel bad-ass and for me, bad-assory is the goal, more so than sexy. But feeling strong, I think is so sexy. I think that women who embrace their strength and are empowered by their muscles and how they feel and what they're capable of comes across with such a confidence that everyone around them is attracted to that energy. So I want to talk to, you know, the young women out there and, you know, maybe some of my older ladies, too, like whatever age you're at, but especially the, the women who are in their late teens, early twenties, late twenties. Growing up in this society that we live in that is so statically fake is the word I'm going to use, where everything is filtered. And there's so many cosmetic alterations and surgeries that you can go through to change the way you look. I want to challenge you women to work with what you naturally have. And put some muscle in it, instead of striving to look a certain way artificially or with more makeup or by changing the shape of your body cosmetically, change the shape of your body with weights, go to the gym and get strong. The mental health aspect and the natural feelings of confidence that you will create from that process of working out and committing and being resilient and training your body will not only make you more confident in your clothes and in who you are, but it will also make you more confident at going after everything in life, it will teach you that you are capable. It will teach you that you are able to do what you put your mind to doing and that you are in control of your body. I love dressing up now in a way that showcases my strength. When I was younger, when I was in my twenties, I hated wearing dresses because I felt like the hulk in a dress. And there was many people that came up to me in my twenties and would tell me that I was, too muscular that they found it aesthetically displeasing. I dated a guy in my twenties who told me that I shouldn't compete because the guys at work made fun of him because I had quote more muscle than he did, which I did not. But it very much hurt his ego and disempowered him that they teased him about it. So he wanted me to be less than, right. And we obviously did not last and now I embrace that I am more than, I still don't love wearing dresses. It's just not who I am but hand me a pair of heeled boots and some leather leggings and a corset top and let me full hawk my hair and put on a mask and I am, in pandemic world mask means something different. I like wearing, what do they call it. They're like lace, stick on your face masks. I think that they are super sexy and I always feel like I'm playing a role of somebody else when I wear one of those out to it, like a club in Vegas or something like that. Like a masquerade, super fun. Anyway,
I just wanted to lay it down this podcast for the women out there who maybe aren't feeling as sexy as they'd like to, maybe you're not feeling as strong as you'd like to. I want to talk to you a little bit about where those feelings come from and I'm going to dive deeper into this in a podcast down the road. But, just to give you the basics, everything we feel comes from a thought in our head. And everything we want in this life, everything, is because of the way we think it will make us feel when we get there. So if you want to lose weight, it's because of how you think you will feel when you lose that weight, maybe you think you'll feel sexier or you think you'll feel more attractive or you think you'll feel more healthy or more energetic or whatever that is. And it really helps us to know that feeling that we're chasing so hard. Why are we setting that goal? Why do we want that promotion? Why do we want that guy? Why do we want that body? Why do we want that car? What are we trying to feel? Once we know the feeling that we're chasing, we can start exploring ow to feel that, right now. Before we even get that body or that guy or that promotion or that car. So let's say we're trying to lose 20 pounds because we think it will make us feel more sexy. It's because the thought we're having right now is, I don't look sexy. This body is not sexy. I'm fat, I'm out of shape. How could anyone find me attractive? All of those thoughts, of course, they're not making us feel sexy. Right. But you can start to embrace new thoughts. Now you can start to embrace thoughts like I can make this body look sexy. You can start to embrace clothing that fits your body and looks good on you now. You can start to embrace the idea of your body is just the result of the life you've had up until now. And maybe your focus hasn't been on your body. Maybe your focus has been on your career or your kids or your schooling or traveling, whatever it is. And you can thank your body for holding itself together while you did all that amazing stuff. And now you can be like, all right body, me and you it's on it's your turn. And you can embrace the idea of getting stronger to feel sexier, right or you can just embrace the idea of getting stronger. I have kind of a bit of a mantra. It's my style statement. If any of you are familiar with the book style statement, my style statement is comfortably confident and for me, that confident edge is that bad-assory and then everything else needs to be comfortable. And when I try and be sexy, when I like try, try and dress up sexily, like when I think of that, I think of like lingerie for my husband or a little spaghetti strap 90 that you'd wear to bed. Like to me, that's like sexy and it's so frigging uncomfortable. That I'm just like, fuck it. I don't want to wear that, I'd rather be naked. So for me, I'd rather just show up strong and feeling confident in my body than trying to be sexy and feeling uncomfortable and not like myself cause how we think and how we feel shows up on the outside too. So for my ladies out there who struggle t feel the sexy. I'm with you and I want to encourage you to just drop it. Drop the trying to feel sexy thing and go after feeling strong and feeling confident and feeling bad-ass and embrace that super hard find what feels good and comfortable. And like you feels authentic to you and own that. Join me, women strong is the new sexy. Let's do this.
All right, ladies, I'm going to keep this episode super short with her only 10 minutes in. Nice and easy this week. Next week, episode 30 is a transition episode. The episode is called how to train your body for a bikini competition. That's right. I'm walking you all through it. And then going into the next 10 episodes, 30 through 40, we're going to be talking about all things competition prep. You guys have been asking me tons of questions via email. I've been getting tons of messages on social media about competing in your first competition and I love the interest that is coming out of this podcast, in that realm. So I'm going to give you all what you're asking for. Stay tuned. I'll see you guys next week. Bye for now.