#53 - Empowered Macro-Nutrition
Hey, hey ladies. How are you this week? All right, you guys, we're going to dive right in today. We're going to dive into episode 53, empowered macro nutrition. Are you guys getting the gist here? We're going over the M, so next week, you bet, we're going to go over empowered muscle development, which I'm super, super excited to record. But today we're gonna talk about macro nutrition. I want to talk a little bit about what this statement of empowered macro nutrition even means in the first place because I'm pretty sure I just created it. I've never heard of it before. So to me, my personal definition of empowered macro nutrition is when you feel confident in your nutrition, knowledge and planning. So confident that you believe in your capabilities of achieving the goals you set out for yourself. Okay. So, my goal as a coach is to empower my clients, in their belief about their ability to create their own nutrition protocols. So my job as their coach is to encourage them to try in the first place, encourage them to stumble their way through building their first protocol and believe me, y'all, it's stumbling for most people. Anyone who hasn't done macro math before anyone who's never tried to create a meal plan has always been given meal plans or maybe has never done any nutrition, detailed work in the past. Creating your first nutrition protocol is like being asked to run a marathon. It feels hard. So for all of my ladies sculptors out there who are creating their first nutrition protocol right now, we've got a handful of brand new sculptors that haven't worked with me before now and I've asked them all to create their first nutrition protocol and can like just even like hear it in their voices and in their, in their messages to me, they're like what? I have to do this and I'm like, yeah, just here's the math, insert the food and send it back to me. Let's take a look and then I spend a whole bunch of time. You guys educating, this has happened especially in transformation. Educating them on what their bodies need to be successful. So where their protein intake should be, where their fat intake should be, where their carbohydrate intake should be. We talked about all of this on the podcast in the nutrition series. So if you're just jumping in with us now, you want to go back. Those are in episodes, I think 11 through 20, we did nutrition somewhere in there. I talk about macro math and kind of where your basic needs should start. So, I really focus on encouraging and educating, and then I let my clients empower themselves. And we talked about that in episode 51 where encouraging and educating creates empowerment. Right?
So, what empowered macro nutrition looks like. I want to talk about that in today's episode, because most people in the world, a very large percentage of people in the world, have no idea of how to feed themselves and this blows my mind. Like I am such a big believer that we should teach macro nutrition to kids in high school because we let the media and the marketing firms and the food conglomerates teach us and teach our kids what they think is healthy. So, it blows my mind when people come to me and they're like, oh, I eat really healthy and they tell me about what they're eating and their diets are filled with processed healthy food. And what I mean by this is Yogurt that is full of sugar, but is promoted for gut health and granola bars that are full of sugar, but promoted as healthy snacks. Their diets are full of fruit and lots of whole grain pastas and breads so it sounds wholesome. Right. And when they tell it to me, they, they sound proud of their decisions and then when we actually look at the math, their carbohydrate and sugar intakes are astronomically high and they're not getting nearly enough proteins and healthy fats. So when we allow the world around us to tell us what is good for us without us really listening to our bodies and really having that baseline guidance of what we need to achieve our goals, we end up in a place where our hormones are a mess. We no longer have the right signals, our body no longer kicks out the right signals. We're hungry all of the time because we're lacking certain nutrients and we don't feel full ever because our bodies aren't getting certain nutrients and it's just, it's a big old mess. It's a big old mess and I believe that if we had one class in high school where we taught. You know, 18 year olds the language of macro nutrition. What protein is, what carbohydrates are, what fats are, how they work in our body, why we need them, where they're important and where we get them from and then have them test it. Right. Like actually put them in like figure it out what those high school kids' goals were and helping them learn how to do this on their own. We would end up with a whole world of adults that knew how to feed themselves for better health, can you tell him on a bit of a mission? You guys, can you tell that, if I ruled the world? We're all gonna figure this out much younger. Okay. So, not only when we teach people macro nutrition, do they learn how to feed themselves for their goals? Do they learn how to achieve the body they've always wanted, do they learn how to have better energy, better sleep, better sex? Like all of it.
What we put in our body is directly related to how we feel. But on top of that, when I watch my transformers go through the transformation program and learn the language of macro nutrition. What else do they learn? If they learn how to problem solve. They learn how to future think they learn mathematics. They learn to analyze. And they learn so much frigging self-awareness you wise and these are all just by products. Right. The process of learning and being educated on macro nutrition creates so much empowerment that the clients that leave that program have been changed. Not everyone who leaves that program achieves the goal they want, you know, not everyone who comes into that program finishes it. Some people's life gets in the way or maybe the timing isn't right. Timing is everything, you guys. You have to be ready and open and wanting to change and wanting to learn and being open to new ways of doing things. But, once you learn the language of macro nutrition, you can't unlearn it, it changes you. Once you've learned how much protein your body needs to feel energetic and strong and amazing and satiated. You automatically know, when you're not getting enough of it, once you learn the language of macro nutrition and you can tell how much protein is in what meals you choose. And, when you go to order out at a restaurant, you know, if you've ordered something that doesn't have enough protein in it, it haunts you a little bit. You're like, oh, I need to have a protein shake later today so I can get my protein intake up. My sculptor, my sculptors are totally going to be like, I know that feeling, right. Once they know how much protein they're supposed to have, where their carbon take should be, if they have a meal that has like a hundred grams of carbs in it, they're like, oh, that was a big cart meal. I'm probably going to be a little tired in about a half hour, and then I'm going to have all this energy. It's amazing how the study of your body, the study of macro nutrition, the awareness that brings to how your body handles certain macro nutrition formulas, the empowerment you get out of that is life-changing. Even if you were to leave the program and stop food recording, stop creating protocols, go back to old ways of eating, there's going to be a little Lylas’ voice in your head. But it tells you to drink more water, any more protein and it won't go away. I'll be there. For pretty much the rest of your life. That's one of the reasons I say the transformation program is the last diet you'll ever need to go on is because of the education you get there. It will carry with you into any other plan you ever do, right. You'll have that education. Okay. Oh.
I wanted to share with you guys, one of the tools I created for empowering macro nutrition that is totally free. So if you go to lylasleona.com and scroll down on the homepage and click on create your own nutrition protocol guide. I will put the link directly to the guide up in the show notes. But this guide, you guys. I've got it here in front of me is 12 pages long and it alone guarantee you'll learn something about nutrition that you didn't know before, guarantee there'll be that little Lylas in your voice in your head, It will start and the nutrition protocol creation guide, I even give this to my transformers. I give it to my sculptors. It is the basics of how to create your first nutrition protocol guide. It's specifically designed for weight loss, muscle building and sculpting is a little bit more advanced. We go over it and the Lady Sculpt. If you're looking to empower your macronutrients into sculpting your physique or building muscle or competing, then you want to join Lady Sculpt and I'll take you through it in a live coaching call, or you can watch any of the recordings in there that teach you how to do it, but in this guide, I take you through the four E's of macro nutrition. So I encourage you by telling you why weekly nutrition protocols work. I educate you on what your body needs to successfully lose weight and keep it off. I educate you on how to put it all together and how to test it and then I empower you to try it out and to make changes as you need, test it out. I give you questions to ask yourself after each week and then how to alter it, how to troubleshoot and then test it out again and again and again. And I've had so many listeners, you guys email me and tell me that they've dropped 15 or 20 pounds just from reading the guide. They didn't even have to sign up for transformation. So if you're trying to lose weight, if you're one of my listeners out there who's just getting started and you haven't downloaded it, the create your own nutrition protocol guide. You're doing yourself an injustice. And I know. It's a little bit scary. I know your limbic system is like, I don't want to change. I don't want to give up the chips. I don't want to give up chocolate. I don't want to give up the ice cream. I really like french fries, I hear you. The beautiful thing about creating your own protocol is you get to decide what you put in it.
I've told you guys this, there is pizza in my protocol every Friday. Every Friday, I can't imagine life without pizza. Even when I go into prep it may not be every Friday, but there's still pizza every once in a while. The difference is, it's planned ahead of time for me, I'm using that prefrontal cortex that I talked about in last week's episode, empowered mindset to plan ahead of time with my best interests at heart. So empowered macro nutrition, you guys is just it’s the whole concept of having that education and believing in your own capabilities with it, but also the ability to plan for your future self. To say, hey this is the way I need to eat to make sure that I feel my best tomorrow and next week and next month and next year. And when I'm 92, all right. So you kind of, you're taking that instinct gratification out of it. and you're empowering yourself to eat for your future self. Instead, to eat to make you feel better at this moment. Okay.
All right. You guys. So just to wrap up empowered macro nutrition, I want to leave you guys with one of my favorite empowered belief hacks around macro nutrition. And this is something I'm going to talk about later in the series to empower your beliefs but this is something that I found was a game changer for me. And I've told it to so many of my clients and they're like, yes, in that moment, everything changed. So the difference between saying to yourself and to other people. I can't have that, or I shouldn't have that when it comes to, let's say you're on a diet or a nutrition protocol, or you're trying to lose a few pounds or your income prep and someone offers you a drink or offers you chips, or you're at the movie theater and someone offers you popcorn. When you say I can't have that, or I shouldn't have that. What emotions does that bring up for you? To me, I can't have that brings up scarcity, right. I can't have that, it's not allowed. It brings up instant scarcity, which makes me want it more and I shouldn't have that brings up shame almost instantly. So an empowered belief switch here would be the empowered choice to not have it, which looks like this. I choose not to have that. So when someone offers you popcorn, don't say, oh, I can't have any of that. Say I choose not to have that. See how it feels differently. I know it sounds a little funny off of the hop, right. But notice too, when you say I can't have that, or I shouldn't have that, you're opening up space for your friends, your family, whoever's around you. To question why you can't have that. Why shouldn't you have that? Why are you holding yourself hostage to your diet? When you instead tell your friends and family, the people around you, including yourself. We choose not to have that, I choose. Choose not to have that. You're taking back all of your power at that moment.
And you're saying, this is my choice, I'm doing it for my health. And what you'll find is the people around you. Don't pressure yourself as much when you say you choose not to have it, you're going to feel more empowered when you say you choose not to have it. All right. Do you see that switch? That is an empowerment belief and empowerment mindset at its best. But specifically when dealing with macro nutrition, that is one of my favorite ways of talking things, what I'm literally choosing not to have it because I want to bring my best body ever to stage or because I want to feel really good in my jeans on monday or whatever that might look like for us, right? Maybe you just want to feel good in your body, you want to feel like you can stick to your own plan, right. Feeling in control and like you trust yourself to stick to your own protocol is very empowering.
All right my friends, that is what I have for you in episode number 53. Stay tuned for another empowerment show next week. I'll talk to you then. Bye for now.