#54 - Empowered Muscle Development
Hey, hey ladies. Are you guys ready for this? You know what day tomorrow is? I have to, I have to talk about this, we need to celebrate tomorrow is September 15th. So September 15th is the one year anniversary of Lady Sculpt Lifestyle, you guys. We have been doing this for a full year. I'm so proud of us. I'm proud of myself for putting together the content and recording the episodes and editing and producing the episodes and getting them out to you. I'm also proud of you guys for listening. Staying engaged and leaving all of the amazing reviews and staying in touch with me and I want to celebrate this.I want to celebrate 54 episodes, 60 actual releases because I've been giving you guys some bonuses. And we're coming up or so close to 25,000 downloads. I checked yesterday and we were at 24,253. That is amazing. My goal for this next year you guys, the next 54 plus and bonus episodes is to triple that quadruple. I want to get to a hundred thousand downloads and you guys helped me out. Spread the word, tell everyone, you know, about Lady Sculpt Lifestyle. Follow the podcast, download the episodes. Let's get up to a hundred thousand. Okay. That's my personal goal, but I also want to thank you guys for listening and sharing the podcast and promoting the podcast on your social media.
I want to run a contest for the whole year, but I'm going to give a prize out every month. I am working with one of my sculptors. Who's also a designer on a very special edition Lady Sculpt Lifestyle tank top. And what I want to do is have a contest each month. The contest will change and each month you can resubmit. So this month, what I need you to do is email me with your favorite Lady Sculpt Lifestyle episode and I want you to tell me why, why it impacted you, why this particular episode was your favorite one. And all of those emails will be kept. I'm in a special file and then on October 12th, which is four weeks from today. We will pick a winner and we'll announce it on Lady Sculpt Lifestyle and we'll reach out to you via email, find out the size of tank top you want, and we'll send you. Your very own limited edition lady sculpt lifestyle tank and then on the 12th, we will announce. What the next four week contest will look like. All right, you guys, we're going to get some engagement going on. We're going to get some of you suited up with some Lady Sculpt Lifestyle swag. And we're going to roll out year two and make it so much better than your one. You guys were ready. I'm excited. Okay.
Let's get into episode 54. This is the fourth episode in the empowerment series. This episode is empowered muscle development. This is a topic I kind of had to sit back and be like, what does that even mean? So when I thought about empowered muscle development, I really thought about what it meant to me personally. And you guys have heard this story. I've talked about this as a big part of why I became a personal trainer in the first place. My mom hooked me up with my first personal trainer. When I was 14. She took me down to the neighborhood recreation center because I was getting into trouble and signed me up for a three-month membership. And with that, I got a number of personal training sessions where a personal trainer walked me through the gym, showed me how to use the equipment. Designed a program for me, showed me how to do the program, how to use proper form and encouraged me to come in and do it on my own. Even when they weren't with me.
This started my love of going to the gym really young. From that point at 15, I was shipped off to Arizona and played state volleyball and part of being an athlete in the varsity program in Arizona was you had to do a strength and conditioning class. So again, I would have a whole class once a day and in that class, we were taught how to lift weights properly, right. How to use proper form, how to use equipment properly. It was an awesome class. I wish they had that in every school, but what I realized is I came out of my teens very empowered with my own muscle development. What that looked like for me is I could go into any gym and feel comfortable in the space. I understood how to use equipment. But you know side note, there's so many types of equipment, so many pieces of equipment, so many different brands of equipment and new equipment being made every year. Sometimes I sit down on a piece of equipment and I'm like, I don't know how to use this. It still happens, but I'm very confident in my ability to figure it out. So going into any gym and feeling comfortable also just being comfortable with my form and trusting myself to feel how my body feels to know if it feels right, or if something feels a little off. And really being in that mind muscle connection with my body where I can tell if I'm working the right muscles and that takes time for you guys in lots of practice. And then third is the belief in my body's capabilities and the strength of my body. So really knowing how much weight I can lift comfortably and confidently as well as the belief that my body is capable of doing it. So these are kind of the three concepts that I think really embody empowered muscle development. So just to cap it up, being comfortable in the gym and with the equipment. So that may not even look like being in a gym now might look like just being comfortable on a ball at home or with a booty band or with no equipment with calisthenics using a picnic table, right? Also the form of knowledge. So being capable of doing any specific exercise and comfortable with my own form, with my ability to mind muscle connect and my own intuition of whether I'm doing it correctly or not, which comes from experience, you guys. And then the belief in my body and in my strength. So those three things create empowerment of muscle development.
So how do you get to a place where you feel empowered with your muscle development, right? How do you get there? How do you get to where I am? And I'm going to walk you through how to do it faster. Then how I did it. So the first step is to get coaching or a trainer. So if you're really uncomfortable in your body or really uncomfortable in a gym, or if you find that you don't have a lot of mind body awareness, if you're. If you're klutzy or clumsy, you may want to look into hiring a personal trainer.
Hiring a personal trainer and working with someone one-on-one will really help you start to get into your own body. They're going to put your body into the right form, for you if necessary. So working with a personal trainer one-on-one is one of the fastest ways to move into form knowledge. Getting more comfortable with equipment and in a gym. And then the belief in your body will come. Now, if you have worked with the trainer in the past, or if you're somebody who's pretty comfortable in your own body, if maybe you've been an athlete in the past, or maybe you just don't have access to a personal trainer where you live, maybe you’re one of my listeners from like the remote areas of Canada or, you know, just out or maybe you're just not comfortable getting into the gym yet, getting coaching online is a really nice opportunity as well. Take for example, my membership. Every program in Lady Sculpt, comes with video tutorials for every single exercise. So I'm not there with you in person checking your form and helping put your body into the right form. But I give you very specific, detailed video instruction. And then it's up to you to double check yourself and to look at yourself in the mirror and make sure that it feels good for you. I also give you a lot of queuing with breathing with core, with foot pressure, with how things should feel, what muscles should be engaging, all of that. So making sure that you are listening and learning from either your trainer or if you're doing online coaching from the video tutorials. Now another option is if you can't afford coaching, This does not mean that it is off the table for you. You guys, there is so much free coaching out in our world today, YouTube, there are exercise tutorials everywhere. In Lylas Leona Transformational House, my free Facebook group. There are exercises and tutorials for days in there, there are workout live workouts that I did 365 of them, right. The information is out there. But you need to go get it. All right. So number one is to get coaching or a trainer.
Number two. Are you guys ready? You're not going to like this one. Practice and practice and practice and practice. It's okay to be a beginner. It's okay for it to feel uncomfortable at first. Ease into it, but stick with it. Don't expect to become someone who feels empowered with muscle development and with your workouts and feel like it's something you love to do, off of hop just like anything, it takes 10,000 hours to master it, right? But once you've got that first, I'm going to say a hundred hours in. So if you're doing 30 minute workouts, that's 200 workouts. So that's about a year of training. So once you've got a year of training in, you're going to start to feel more capable and a little bit more confident in what you're doing, but allow it to take time. Allow yourself to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Lean into it. It's totally fine. But that practice is what creates empowerment, right? Empowerment is that last string. First, you have to commit to it next. You have to have the courage to stay committed and then you become capable. And then confidence comes and empowerment kind of falls into the confidence sector, right. Even after confidence. All right.
And number three. It's really important. I want you to ask why. So when you're being coached or when you're working with a trainer, this is something I encourage my athletes to do a ton. If you have a question about how a program is put together or why a specific exercise is necessary or why those two exercises are super setted or why the split is the way it is or why you're training glutes more than your training quads. Like if you have questions, ask them, never be afraid to seek knowledge. You can also go to Google and seek knowledge. I’m not saying everything on Google is true, you all. There's a lot of false information out there, but just asking questions and taking in information and deciding what feels right to you and what you want to implement and what you don't want to implement, or even taking a course. You can take a weekend course in weight training. Even taking a short muscle development or personal training course is going to give you a solid foundation in your basic anatomy and how your joints move, how your muscles engage. And what exercises work, which muscles. This is something I'm starting to do with some of my sculptors. I'm doing a series right now for 2023 called the sculptor series and what this is, is I'm working with certain sculptors who have really shown their commitment to the program and their commitment to their own training. And I'm teaching them how to build programming. So we're sitting down together, we're looking at what their goals for their physiques are. We're looking at what their favorite exercises are, how much time they want to spend in the gym each, during each workout. How much cardio they'd like to do? All of their goals, how much food they want to eat and we're putting that into programming. And right now I'm still curating the program. So I take what. The sculptor wants, and I put it into a structured program that will serve them and help them achieve their goals. But in doing this process with me, they learn so much about what it takes to put together a training program.
My goal within Lady Sculpt is to empower, it's one of those four E’s, right? They encourage, educate, empower, and elevate. So with muscle development empowerment in Lady Sculpt, my goal is to have my sculptors be able to go into any gym or be out camping in the boonies where they have no equipment available. And let's say their wifi drops and they don't have access to their training app. I want any of my sculptures to be able to create on the spot, a workout program for themselves in that moment that will serve them, that will give them the results they want. One workout isn't going to make or break a training program and any workout is better than no workout. But I want them to feel confident and know that they can put together a workout. That's going to make their glutes burn or that's going to target their shoulders or that is core focused or whatever it is that their specific goals happen to be. I want them to feel like they have the knowledge and the capability to put together and create a program for themselves. So that is one of the things I’m working on in Lady Sculpt in teaching. It's something that I actually teach in the transformation workshop, which is a program that we're actually currently doing video recordings for, that's going to be available to you guys, this fall as an automated course series, in that program I teach the basics and the foundations of empowered mindset, empowered macro-nutrition and empowered muscle development. You got it. So keep an eye on that this fall. I will announce it in the podcast for sure.
So just to sum up. How you can go about empowering your own muscle development, empowering your own workouts, empowering yourself to create a strong fit body you love, get coaching or a trainer ask for help. Practice, practice, practice, practice, practice. Until you feel confident in it. And asked why learn about how programs are put together, why they're done the way they are, learn everything you can learn about the process of it. And that my friends, will lead you to a place where you too can create your own workout that will help you achieve your goals anywhere, anytime. All right my friends, that's episode number 54 our one-year anniversary. I'll see you guys next week for episode number 55. Bye for now.