Hey, hey ladies, how are you? You guys, I feel like it's been a long time since we've done this since we've like sat down and had a good chat. Last week I gave you guys the WOW three part series for me and Tamara Anderson session. I hope you really enjoyed that. I really enjoyed putting it together and then offering it here on the podcast. That was pretty special to me. And I hope you actually went and downloaded the workbook and did the work because that work seriously will change the relationship you have with yourself. So if you skipped over that part, go back. All right.
So just a quick update, we are on part three of the Lady Sculpt Lifestyle one year anniversary contest series. And we're right smack dab in the middle of it. So this month contest is write a review of this podcast. Or if you have already written a review of the podcast to find it and take a screenshot of your review and email it to [email protected]. And we will be picking a winner. We're going to be picking that winter on, I believe December 2nd is the cutoff date and then we'll be announcing that winner on December 7th in that upcoming podcast two weeks from now. So get on that. If you haven't left a review yet of ladies cup lifestyle, and you're enjoying this podcast. Write me a review. You guys when I'm having a bad day. When I feel like my work in the world doesn't matter. When I want wanna give up. I read your reviews. It like amps me up. So thank you so much for those of you who have left a review and those of you who are going to leave one in the future.
Okay, you guys, we are in episode number 60. What? I was trying to figure out what the best use of this series going into the holiday season would be coming up to 2023. And I decided the next 10 episodes are going to be about working with me. So I want to let you guys know about different ways you can work with me, different programs that I offer, different ways that I coach, train. Some of the freebies that are available to you that you may not know about, and all the different opportunities is coming up in 2023 of you know, how I can help you reach your goals. And we're going to start that series off by talking today about goals, about your 2023 goals. And why they matter. You guys ready, you down with that?
All right. First, let's talk about why goals are important. I like to think of the path that we're on, the journey in life we're on the things we do on a day-to-day basis, our routines or habits. You know, the people we hang out with, our careers, all of that is like a path in the woods that we're on and you can kind of see, you know, where the end of that path is you have an idea projection of where your life is going. And if you're not exactly happy with that path. Maybe that path is taking you to a place where your health isn't great. Or you don't love the body you live in or maybe your career we're isn't moving as fast as you'd like it to be. Or in the trajectory that you want it to be moving in. Maybe your relationship isn't as good as you thought it might be. Maybe you don't travel as much any of this stuff, if it's resonating with you it's assign my friend that you need a goal. What I think of in terms of goal setting is, it's looking ahead at your life. Looking ahead at that path. And deciding that you don't want to end up of the current path you're on you want to either. You know, jump off the trail and start doing some bushwhacking. Or you just want to like turn your rudder a little bit. Another way to look at this as if you're in a lake and you're rowing towards towards a certain beach. And you decided you want to go to a different beach. You just need to turn that rudder just a little bit, turn off the path that you're on to move in a different direction. And the thing is, is you have to move so little. Like the day to day routines and habits that we make to achieve a goal that is different from the life that we're in right now is not huge. You don't have to change your life completely. Sometimes you only have to change it a little bit. I mean sometimes a big shake up helps, but often all we need to do is create one new habit one new routine or break a bad habit, right? So if you want your life to be different. Your body, your finances, your love life. Like any of it. Know that you have to do something differently. You can't keep doing the things that you're doing day to day and expect a different result. It won't work.
All right. So I also want to reach out to any of my listeners out there who are kind of afraid to set a goal. If me putting pressure on you to set a goal for 2023. Scares you a little bit or maybe you just even want to like ignore me completely, changed podcasts. It's a sign that in the past, maybe. Your goals have been too big or too ambitious or too unkind to your future self who needs to actually do the goal right? Achieve the goal. Do the habit. So something us women do, as humans in general, is we like to set goals and then when it comes to doing the work, the effort, sacrificing to achieve that goal our limbic system talks us out of it. And then our limbic system tells us we're a failure. And we feel terrible about it. So then we tend to do even less of what we're going on. So like, let me give you an example of weight loss. For example, so let's say you want to lose 10 pounds and you start a new diet. And you know, five days into that diet, you have a piece of pizza and then you feel guilty about having a piece of pizza. So the the way that your brain knows how to make you feel better is it tells you to have another piece of pizza or have a brownie the next day or whatever that looks like. And we ended up in this vicious cycle of feeling guilty from failing and shame. From not being better and then eating our way out of it. And this same cycle can be something that we had put into a relationship. It can be something we do with our career. It shows up in any different way of our life, maybe it's we want to ask for a raise, but we're afraid of what our boss will think. And so we plan all this stuff out to approach them with why we think we deserve one. And then we go to do it and we get shut down or maybe we don't have the nerve to do it in the first place and so as we're walking away, we feel shame or failure or guilt or embarrassment. And so our limbic system decides that we shouldn't ever do that again because it feels terrible. But you guys, you got to lean into the discomfort to achieve what you want. You got to do it. So for those of you who have given up on goal-setting. For those of you who feel like setting a goal is just setting yourself up for failure. I really want you to reconsider. I want you to come back to the idea of setting a goal for your future self. And setting it kindly. I talked about this a little bit in the WOW session. Don't try and lose 20 pounds in two weeks. You're not going to be able to sustain that at some point, you're going to fail. Instead make a small habit change. Set a goal of no more eating in front of the TV. Set a goal of hitting 10,000 steps every day. Set a goal of stepping into a gym four days a week. Even if you don't work out. Just go. Be in the energy. Change your environment , right. Maybe you set a goal of finding a friend And that is doing what you want to do. Maybe you set a goal of finding a mentor who has the career you want or maybe you set a goal of going out on one date a month for the next year because you want to be in a relationship, right. It can be any little goal but I'm really going to suggest especially if you're afraid to set a goal start really small. Start with something that almost seems too easy because you'll achieve it And then your brain will be like I did it. Maybe I can do this next little bit harder thing, right. We need to create some confidence there. We need to create some capability in our goal achieving. All right. You with me? You ready to set some goals for 2023? Have I talked you into it yet.
Alright so this year in Lady Sculpt, I do this every year so there's this thing we do in Lady Sculpt. It is called the sculpt strategy. I came up with it, actually it came up with it last year. And so in December last year I sat all of my sculptors down and made them all plan out their 2022, in advance a year ahead of time like not just their entire year but like their nutrition plan for the entire year and it didn't look the same so each month it would be different but I made them pre-look at their macros. I made them decide what training programs they were going to do a year ahead of time to best create the body that they wanted and had the goal of achieving. I made them guests their body weight, set bull body weights for the entire year and one of the reasons we do Sculpt Strategy is because when we plan a year ahead it's way easier to do so with a little bit of kindness and compassion than trying to plan two to three months ahead where we want something immediately. When we're planning our winter spring training and we know we want to look amazing in the summer, we can be a little bit kinder to ourselves than when we just start looking at our training in april and we're like oh shit I only have two to three months I need to like go super extreme, super hard. And then it makes it really hard on us to stick with it. right.
So I really want to encourage everybody listening to this to create a Sculpt Strategy Plan even if you're not in Lady Sculpt, I want you to sit down take out a piece of paper. I want you to write down at least three habits that you want to create habit goals. Things that would make your life better things that would steer the boat in a different direction than the current trajectory. I also want you to write down three result goals that you want. And often our habit goals create the result goals that we want. So if you want to lose 20 pounds, if you want to fit into a little black dress that you haven't worn since you were in your twenties and maybe you want to run a 5k race, right. Those are great result goals. So what habits would you need to create to make those things happen. Maybe the 10,000 steps a day is a good start towards the running goal. Maybe you slowly start into a running program. Maybe you commit to being outside on your feet pounding the pavement three days a week for at least half an hour, right, Maybe for that week or you decide you're going to get on the scale every damn day. We talk about this a lot in Transformation and in Lady Sculpt we weight in every damn day. We log it into the app every damn day. I'm getting better at this it's one of my 2023 goals is to remember to log my weights in. So it just keeps it up before front. Now not everyone's going to agree with me that weighing in every day is a good thing but what I teach is the scale shouldn't be something you have an emotional reaction to. So if you're weighing in and feeling bad about it, we need to change your mindset around it. Your scale is just the data analysis tool, it lets you know if what you're doing is working, it lets you know what the day before did, it's not something to have any fields over, it's literally just data and we teach you that in Transformation. So these habit goals of getting on the scale every day or doing meal prep once a week or not eating in front of the tv,eating consciously all these little habit goals create the result goals we want. And then once you've come up with three habit and three result goals I want you to look at the year ahead and I want you to decide when you'd like to achieve them by and maybe you don't even have a set date. Maybe it's a massive action goal that you're just going to keep moving towards until you achieve it but i want you to start strategizing your 2023. What are you going to focus on in January. What habit are you going to master in that first month. And then what habit are you going to tackle in the second month. And in the third, what are you going to commit to in the gym or at home in your workout program. What are you going to eat what is it going to look like how many calories are you going to consume. I know this seems like a lot you guys but literally this is what we do in Lady Sculpt you break it down. This is why living a Sculpted Lifestyle is not hard when you make it really purposeful and you plan the fuck out of it right. I know it seems like a lot but once you get into the habit of it, it's easy and when you don't have a plan you feel lost. Talk to any of my sculptors that competed last month and they're like I need a plan. We're creating new plans for them. We give them a week off and it makes them all freak out. Okay, so coming up in the next month the podcast wrote the end of November and into December, I'm going to be talking about a lot of different programs I offer. Different ways that I can help you achieve your 2023 goals but your homework this week my friends is just to figure out what you wan, who do you want to become, what do you want your body to look like, what do you want your lifestyle to be and then once you know where you want to go it's much easier to plan the route, righ. How hard is it to find, you know to drive somewhere if you don't know your destination you first need to pick a goal. So my challenge to you this week, write down at least three result goals, three habit goals you want to email them to me along with your review for the contest. I'd be super happy to see them. I love seeing your guys's goals and just a sneak peek at what's to come I am planning to share all of my 2023goals with you later this year.All right. ook forward to that. We'll see you guys next week have the most wonderful rest of your week and for my american friends happy thanksgiving. ye for now